Before the Deepest Uprising波濤最深處

2023 Spotlight Taiwan Lecture 

Deepest Uprising 波濤最深處
Deepest Uprising 波濤最深處 (Photo credit: HUANG Mingchuan)


*The lecture is followed by the screening of “Deepest Uprising” (波濤最深處)and a drink reception*


Before the Deepest Uprising

Deepest Uprising was Huang Mingchuan’s latest piece of work in the documentary oeuvre. The film production covered many cities and towns of a vast geographical area in South and Southeast Asia. It allowed 16 female poets from four nations to express their concerns over their national issues, which were rarely told as a whole. These two characteristics of the film came a long way after nearly three decades of his filmmaking. By being constantly involved in Taiwanese literature, poets and contemporary artist documentaries, and rediscovering local modern art history through film, Huang finally arrived at a new and wider documentary horizon. This speech will be a summary of an independent filmmaker story, in which a struggle of breaking through the conventional definition of documentary, pursuing visual art, literature and contemporary culture observation to become essential topics of a nation’s concern against the massive wave of practice in traditional disciplines.


About the Speaker

In 1989, Huang Mingchuan produced his fictional film “Man from Island West”, which was recognized as the first fully independent production in Taiwan’s history followed by his two other features “Bodo” and “Flat Tyre”. “Man from Island West” received Kodak’s Excellence in Cinematography Award in Hawaii and Singapore’s Silver Screen Award, and “Flat Tyre” won the Special Jury Award at the 36th Golden Horse Awards.

Besides fictional films, Huang has also devoted himself heavily to the creation of art-themed documentaries starting from a series of documentaries focusing on Taiwanese authors, poets, and avant-garde artists of the era. His most renowned TV project under the title of “Avant-Garde Liberation” on 14 contemporary conceptual artists won the first Taishin Bank Arts Award in 2003. In 2018, his full-length “Chin Chih Yang-Face the Earth” won the best documentary at the Southampton International Film Festival. And one year later, Huang received Taiwan’s National Arts Award which stands for the highest achievement.

Huang Mingchuan also advocated a new type of documentary festival called “Chiayi International Art Documentary Film Festival” starting in 2014, promoting documentaries relating to all arts including visual art, theatre, literature, architecture, design and urbanism. This was the first of its kind in Taiwan as well as in Asia.


導演 / 黃明川電影視訊有限公司負責人 / 嘉義國際藝術紀



中心學院主修美術、攝影。 1985年發表寫〈台灣攝影史簡論〉 ,涵

蓋清 、 日兩個時代,係臺灣有史以來的第一篇攝影史 。

1989年 起至 1999年完成 三部 獨立製作之 電影劇情長片《西部來的

人》、《寶島大夢》 及 《破輪胎》 先後獲夏威夷國際影展、新加坡

影展、金馬獎影展等國內外 的最佳攝影 獎、 銀銀幕獎及評審團獎 項

的 肯定。 釜山國際影展與香港獨立影展亦均擧辦過他三部劇情片的


2003年藝術紀錄片《解放前衛》共 14集,榮獲第一屆台新銀行文

化藝術基金會「視覺藝術獎」 年度 首獎。 2013-2017來回美國與台

灣,拍攝紐約台裔行爲藝術家與其環保意識強烈的作品,製作《 肉

身搏天》 紀錄片, 2018年該片 獲英國南罕普頓國際影展最佳紀錄片

獎。 他亦於 2014年為他的出生地嘉義市建立了亞洲第一個《國際

藝術紀錄影展》 至今 。